1.It observed that there was an urgent need for the adoption of a sensible and pragmatic work plan for the SCP.
2.He said that in Misurata City, there are 60 Ukrainian doctors - mostly women, blocked a few days in the office, the urgent need to evacuate.
3.The exporter may take the accepted bill to a discount bank before the maturity if he is in urgent need of the amount of money.
4.Therefore, there was an urgent need to collect, evaluate, and disseminate the current state of the art on their use and applicability.
5.Mike told me that his business was in a jam and he was in urgent need of money. He wanted to borrow some money from me.
6.'Approaching 15%, we estimate there would be an urgent need for the government to step in and strengthen the financial system, ' he said.
7.The system from one live parts quickly switch to the next, and be able to meet global market to the flexibility of urgent need.
8.There was an urgent need for him to become, at least in appearance, a good Republican.
9.Therefore, from the planning and construction of community organizations to run an urgent need to produce a set of standardized regulations.
10.A government official in Jiegu said the authorities were in urgent need of tents, medical personnel and equipment.